January 2nd 2025
The dermatology market remains an exciting space with strong demand for its valuable services, bolstered by positive US economic trends and robust consumer spending.
December 16th 2024
Chemical combo promises reduced optical scattering
April 1st 2004Dallas - Pre-clinical research suggests a new compound can boost the efficacy of diagnostic and laser therapeutic applications. The chemical mixture appears to increase the transparency of normal human skin, thereby allowing a better, deeper and much greater penetration of light for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Election year beltway battles put derms at center stage
April 1st 2004Dermatologists and other physicians are being caught in the middle of a growing political battle over health care policy, along with 41 million Medicare beneficiaries, as Republicans and Democrats position themselves for political advantage in this critical election year.
Time and the Bottom Line: New 'e-technology': How to decide if it's worth it
March 1st 2004As physicians, we're all faced with making decisions about the purchase of new electronic technology that promises to streamline the efficiency of the practice and significantly reduce our overhead expenses. Vendors ply their products and promise us the sun and the moon, yet few office managers and even fewer physicians know how to evaluate these products.
Medicare to provide limited relief for biologic payment
March 1st 2004Amgen has gotten Medicare to pay for limited amounts of Enbrel, the $1,000-a-month rheumatoid-arthritis drug. The coverage, tucked in the new Medicare law that covers drugs for seniors, includes some expensive biotech drugs that patients can inject themselves, such as Enbrel and a rival, Abbott Laboratories' Humira.
Defeat the opposition: five electronic essentials
February 1st 2004In the beginning of Internet marketing, the most important aspect of the strategy was the practice website. Today, in order to capture Internet traffic and manage it, there are five necessary components, including: 1) an effective website; 2) a directory listing; 3) search engine optimization; 4) a commercial e-mail program; and 5) integration and implementation. Without these five components, a practice is missing out on the complete equation.
Overtime pay is subject to intricate regulations
February 1st 2004You have an employee who makes a salary of $480 per week. Your practice has been busy and the employee stays 60 minutes late for a few days to catch up on paper work. You tell the employee to take off a few hours next week to compensate for staying late a few hours. You believe you are being a good employer or office manager by balancing the situation with fewer hours worked the following week.
How to Implement a Bonus Plan Based on Incentives
December 1st 2003Does this sound familiar? Every year at Christmas time, you make a decision to provide a bonus to your employees. You check with your accountant or office manager to see what you gave last year, and you increase the amount from 5 percent to 15 percent, depending on the profitability of the practice.
How available is medical business training?
November 1st 2003Despite the trend over the past decade for the formation of larger and larger group medical practices, more than 70 percent of dermatologists still practice in one- or two-doctor offices. For a time, young physicians shied away from becoming solo practitioners, but once again, more are considering the possibility of starting or taking over solo dermatology practitioners.