January 2nd 2025
The dermatology market remains an exciting space with strong demand for its valuable services, bolstered by positive US economic trends and robust consumer spending.
December 16th 2024
'Idiot's guide' to ICD-9-CM coding
March 1st 2002There are endless articles, reference materials, and seminars that teachthe fine art of CPT coding. Everyone knows that understanding the CPT descriptors,selecting the correct code to reflect the service(s) provided, having substantivedocumentation, mastering the rules governing bundling and unbundling, andconquering the use of modifiers are all essential to getting insurance claimspaid properly and timely.
New Year brings burden of HIPAA regulations
February 1st 2002Dr. Franks routinely speaks to his referring doctors about patients,sends insurance documents electronically and by way of the mail, and hasalways stressed that his staff be confidential about all patient issues.Recently, he received a threatening letter alleging that his
Treating warts necessitates communication
February 1st 2002The treatment of warts can be a frustrating experience for both the dermatologistas well as the patient and/or patient's family. The provider needs to bewell versed in the many rules and regulations that govern the billing ofwarts (e.g., medical necessity issues, CPT and ICD-9 coding) while the patientneeds to be educated on the nature of the condition and the complexitiesassociated with the treatment arsenal.
What does HIPAA have to do with confidentiality?
October 1st 2001Dr. Wolf, a well-respected dermatologist in the community, always asksfor a written release before sending any patient's records to a requestinginsurance company. However, as a general rule he will simply call the localMohs surgeon, internist, and general surgeon when he wants to discuss apatient he wishes to send for referral. He recently heard that there aresome new confusing regulations that will impact dramatically on how hedeals with his patients' confidential issues. Is he correct?