January 2nd 2025
The dermatology market remains an exciting space with strong demand for its valuable services, bolstered by positive US economic trends and robust consumer spending.
December 16th 2024
Anatomy lessons, guiding the bill
November 1st 2006I do a lot of complicated skin cancer repairs and I have never really been very sure of the correct way to code for this particular type of closure: the purse string repair. I have spoken with several of my colleagues and everyone seems to be coding this differently. I have also scoured the CPT book with no real hints at what I should code. What do you think?
Evaluation, management services pose complicated billing questions
August 1st 2006Evaluation and management (E/M) services continue to be one of the most complicated issues in dermatologic billing. Whether it's how to document properly based on the level of care provided or getting paid for the various types of E/M services when procedures are billed on the same date of service, it all seems to be an uphill climb.
AAD sets sights on iPLEDGE, Medicare reform; will work to boost image of specialty
July 29th 2006American Academy of Dermatology President Stephen Stone, M.D., outlines an ambitious and ongoing agenda for the AAD that includes efforts to correct problems with the national iPLEDGE registry, to improve Medicare reimbursement and reform medical liability, and to protect the scope of practice of the specialty.
CMS to reward practices with interoperable EMR systems
July 1st 2006Dermatologists and other physicians who establish interoperable electronic health records systems in their practices can expect to be rewarded with increased compensation under the pay for performance policies being established at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
The 'triple threat' and the future of academic dermatologists
July 1st 2006There is grave concern in the academic community about the limited number of young physicians, including dermatologists, who are opting for careers in private practice instead of choosing a career in academics. The obvious question that arises is, will there be enough professors of dermatology in years to come to train the next generation? If there aren't a sufficient number of dermatology faculty members to train new dermatologists, who will be capable of providing high-quality care to patients with serious skin disease?
Clearing confusion about destruction codes
June 1st 2006CPT codes 17000, 17003 and 17004 are the bread-and-butter codes ofmost dermatologists. Actinic keratoses, warts and other benignlesions such as seborrheic keratoses, condylomata and papillomataare the most common types of lesions treated by the destructionmethod. Per CPT, the definition of destruction means "the ablationof benign, premalignant or malignant tissues by any method, with orwithout curettement, including local anesthesia, and not usuallyrequiring closure.
Legal issues complicate cosmetic laser treatments
June 1st 2006Common legal issues facing physicians who perform cosmetic laser treatments include medical malpractice, as well as issues related to physician extenders and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), an expert says.
E/M issues continue to plague physicians
May 1st 2006Two major changes regarding the billing of E/M visits affectedDermatologists significantly over the past six months.Specifically, the issues involved the bundling of E/M visits inMedicare's Correct Coding Initiative and the new consultationguidelines that went into effect on January 1, 2006. In thisarticle I'll try to unravel some of the confusion and hopefullysteer everyone in the right direction.
Skin replacement and surgery; skin substitutes
February 1st 2006One of the biggest changes in the 2006 CPT book involves the grafting section of the Integumentary System. There were many deletions, a host of new codes and a significant number of amendments to the rules and guidelines that govern these complex surgical procedures.
Coding highlights of 2005 & 2006
January 1st 2006Year 2005 was filled with many changes that affected dermatologists and how they billed Medicare and other commercial carriers. Year 2006 is anticipated to be an equally challenging year. In this article, I will highlight what I feel was important this year and what you need to be aware of in the year ahead. Due to the space constraints of this article, I cannot go into great detail, but I will at least let you know what you should be aware of and what you need to implement.