February 14th 2025
Key 2025 tax law changes for dermatologists include expiring TCJA provisions, potential rate adjustments, and new deduction policies under Trump.
Physician extenders help to combat shortage of practitioners in dermatology
February 1st 2012Dermatologists are increasingly turning to "extenders" - physician assistants and nurse practitioners - to combat a shortage of doctors in the specialty. These mid-level providers and the physicians who hire them say teamwork and training are among the keys for successful collaborations.
For most physicians, the best era in which to practice medicine is relative
January 1st 2012At various times throughout my professional career, I have frequently asked many older physicians this question: What was the best thing about practicing medicine during your career? I have always been intrigued by their answers.
Medicare sustainable growth rate reform proposals trickle in
November 1st 2011The good news is that the battle over the budget in Washington has opened the door to serious consideration for reforming the formula used to pay physicians under Medicare. The bad news? Proposals being considered to pay the tab could bring considerable pain.
Dermatologists' volunteer work holds great value
November 1st 2011I have always looked for evidence of volunteerism on the applications of every candidate seeking a residency training position in dermatology. I've found that medical students who make the effort to volunteer their time to help someone in need truly make the best residents. They are generally caring, thoughtful individuals who recognize that the special gifts they have been given deserve to be "paid back" to society in some way.
Hiring a physician assistant or nurse practitioner may be in your future
November 1st 2011A survey by Merritt Hawkins found that patients wait 22.1 days on average to see a dermatologist, with waits ranging from 3.4 to 104.4 days, depending on the geographical location. Physician assistants and nurse practitioners offer dermatologists an excellent way to expand their availability to more patients, but the value of these advanced practice providers goes well beyond scheduling.
Web-based appointment scheduling, payment options offer convenience
November 1st 2011Jessica J. Krant, M.D., M.P.H., says one of her goals at her Fifth Avenue, New York, dermatology practice is to go totally paperless. So she has implemented several online options - including appointment booking - that not only eliminate paper, but also help streamline the office's workload. "Patients love it," she says.
Excellent service to patients requires vision, planning
November 1st 2011Superior service doesn't just happen. Experts say it requires having a proactive plan for an element of medical practice that many physicians unfortunately overlook. As physicians, says Victor J. Marks, M.D., "Service is what we do. We don't make or grow anything. We serve other people."
Dermatologists weigh benefits, drawbacks of patients' direct access to lab results
November 1st 2011The Department of Health and Human Services is proposing a new rule that would allow patients to have direct access to their lab test results. The tests that dermatologists send, such as biopsies, can indicate serious medical conditions. On Call asked dermatologists around the country what they think about patients being able to access their lab results directly, without the benefit of the physician's knowledge and experience to interpret their meaning.
Research ties dermatology workforce balance and melanoma outcomes
November 1st 2011Findings from a study examining an association between dermatologist density and melanoma mortality suggest that better workforce distribution may lead to a population-level improvement in mortality related to this malignancy, reported researchers at the 2011 annual meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology.
L.A. dermatologist uses upbringing to treat patients with respect, tolerance
November 1st 2011Tanya Kormeili, M.D., was 3 years old when the Iranian Revolution began to unravel her family's life. As pro-democracy Jews living in Tehran, the Kormeilis experienced an erosion of their freedoms with each year of the Ayatollah Khomeini's reign.
Concept of medical necessity can support services when being audited
September 1st 2011With the mandatory integration of electronic medical records (EMR) into the physician's practice, it would seem that future RAC or carrier audits will be seamlessly easy to navigate and win. As more and more dermatologists start using this electronic documentation tool in their offices, however, I am being bombarded by questions and concerns from the new users - both physicians who are clients and those who are not.
Common sense, thick skin are key in age of online physician reviews
September 1st 2011Most of us have had experiences of being unjustly accused of poor medical care by a person whose capabilities to make these sorts of judgments are suboptimal at best. What can be done to combat these annoying and sometimes slanderous utterances placed online?
Follow these tips to keep your practice on track
September 1st 2011Dermatology practices are busy places where even a small delay in the morning can throw physicians off schedule for the remainder of the day. The result isn't just more stress; it can include unhappy patients and perhaps even staff overtime costs. None of those outcomes is good for you, your patients or your staff.
Ignoring Facebook as a potential practice tool could leave derms socially stranded
September 1st 2011Medina, Ohio, dermatologist Helen M. Torok, M.D., says her busy practice could spend $3,000 to $5,000 every quarter on a printed and snail-mailed patient newsletter. Instead, creating a business page on Facebook eliminated that expense and allows her to offer patients more timely information.
Take advantage of opportunities to boost your practice's bottom line
August 1st 2011There's no better time than now to take a fresh look at opportunities to boost your bottom line. Whether it's saving money or earning more, these missed opportunities may be right under your nose. Regardless of the size of your dermatology practice or its position in the local healthcare market, you are likely finding the margin between revenues and expenses is getting narrower and narrower.
Indiana dermatologist highlights myriad leadership hats he's worn in his career
August 1st 2011Few can say that they have served their professions by presiding over not just one or two - but rather, many - regional, national and international societies. C. William Hanke, M.D., M.P.H., can. The Carmel, Ind., dermatologist has been president of 11 professional societies, the largest of which was the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) from 2008 to 2009.
Office work flow improvements benefit patients, staff, physicians
July 1st 2011Even with the latest technology and the best-trained and experienced staff, efficiency isn't a given - you have to work at ensuring well-oiled work flows in your dermatology practice. Using your time wisely is important to your practice's revenue because, unlike those supplies on the shelf, your time can't be stored.
Physician pays it forward by mentoring, teaching young dermatologists
July 1st 2011When Amy Derick, M.D., mentors dermatology residents and others who are just breaking into dermatology practice, she comes across not only as a peer, but also as an icon. She's young - 34. She only started practice about five years ago, so the challenges of a startup are fresh in her mind.
Protect your medical practice by preparing for catastrophes
June 1st 2011Patricia K. Farris, M.D., never thought she'd experience a natural disaster that would wipe out her practice, a city and an entire infrastructure. Then came Hurricane Katrina. "You couldn't call a patient who had a melanoma. It was so beyond, beyond," says Dr. Farris, who practices in Metairie, La. After the 2005 storm, she says, "I was out of business for seven months."
Prepare for potential disasters by analyzing risks in your geographical area
June 1st 2011In planning for disaster, physicians should first analyze their specific risks. That's the advice of Italo Subbarao, D.O., deputy editor of Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness and director of the Public Health Readiness Office in the American Medical Association's Center for Public Health Preparedness and Disaster Response.
Research competition, market needs before purchasing aesthetic technologies
June 1st 2011Before investing in aesthetic devices, physicians need to do their homework and carefully weigh the pros and cons of each device and attend lectures focused on various aesthetic devices and technologies. This approach may help them ultimately choose an aesthetic device that is right for them and their patients.
Electronic medical record systems will not reduce all claims denials
June 1st 2011I am a total proponent of the use of technology. As the owner of two single-specialty billing services, I know the value of using the latest technology to save time, optimize the use of human resources, increase efficiency, reduce errors and redundancy and keep the planet "green." But I want providers to have realistic expectations of what an EMR can offer with respect to billing for services rendered and getting paid by insurance carriers.
Dermatologists protect themselves against cosmetic patients who fail to pay
June 1st 2011One benefit of adding cosmetic dermatology to a practice is that procedures are usually performed on a fee-for-service basis, rather than relying on ever-diminishing insurance reimbursements for medical dermatology. It all sounds good, but what happens when a patient doesn't plan on paying in the first place?
Building patient loyalty a sure way to promote practice success
June 1st 2011As patients take on more financial responsibility for their healthcare, dermatologists are finding themselves in a challenging new role - being a commodity in a marketplace where patients shop for services. Success in this new environment requires your dermatology practice to retain its current patients, and attract new ones.
Determine which EHR Incentive Program is right for your practice
May 1st 2011The EHR Incentive Program offers bonus payments for eligible professionals who make meaningful use of a certified system. Although the government's initiative is labeled under a single moniker, there are really two distinct programs for eligible professionals: Medicare and Medicaid. When you register for the EHR Incentive Program, you must choose one or the other.
Simple, personalized approach to social media is best
May 1st 2011Succeeding in social media requires focusing on high-impact outlets, investing time and conveying a personal touch. Unlike word-of-mouth, today's social media allow people to connect with others outside of their traditional social circle without constraints of time or space.
Make patient collections an integral part of your practice
April 1st 2011The economic downturn has certainly affected your dermatology practice, decreasing patient volume and employee morale while increasing your overhead. The most significant challenge, however, may lie in the impact of the recession on your patients.
Assessing when physicians' skills wane as the result of age
April 1st 2011The number of older physicians who are practicing is giving rise to questions from groups such as the National Patient Safety Foundation. On Call asked dermatologists whether there was any process in their area for handling doctors whose mental and physical abilities might be diminishing, but who were unaware their ability to practice effectively was being hampered by slowing cognitive abilities.