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Researchers reported that propranolol initiation for infantile hemangiomas in pediatric patients is safe, with no significant complications, suggesting reduced need for intensive monitoring.
Snail slime contains bioactive compounds that promote skin healing, hydration, and regeneration.
The case-control Chinese study evaluated circumstances that have previously never been established as potential melasma causes.
Patients receiving SSA treatments showed significant improvements after just 2 sessions, supporting its rapid efficacy.
At the Horizons in Advanced Practice meeting, Lakshi Aldredge, MSN, ANP-BC, DCNP, FAANP, presented a case of a female patient aged 12 years with moderate AD that had been worsening over the past several months.
This collective initiative gives Mindy Haws, MD, and her team the ability to reach more women in a way that gives back and helps them succeed.