The Foundation’s extensive library includes brochures, magazines, and posters to promote education among dermatologists and patients.
As the new Executive Director of the Skin Cancer Foundation, Becky Kamowitz brings a wealth of prior nonprofit leadership experience to the organization's mission of fighting skin cancer. One of her primary goals is to bridge the gap and balance public education with the needs of the clinical community in addressing skin cancer prevention, detection, and treatment.
Since its founding in 1979, the Skin Cancer Foundation has worked to reach three key audiences: individuals who are unaware of the dangers of sun exposure and skin cancer, those who may suspect they have skin cancer but are unsure what to do, and patients recently diagnosed with the disease. Kamowitz emphasized that while significant progress has been made in raising awareness, there is still much work to be done.
"We know that patients will always have questions," Kamowitz said. ‘What does my diagnosis mean? What are my treatment options? How do I prevent future skin cancers?’ And so, what we want to do is really be a partner for these dermatologists and help them educate their patients.”
Especially with dermatologists facing increasing patient volumes, the Foundation aims to partner with clinical professionals to provide vital educational resources that can be shared in their practices. The Foundation’s extensive educational library includes brochures like “A Guide to Skin Cancers and Pre-Cancers" and “Your Daily Sun Protection Guide” along with an annual magazine, "The Skin Cancer Foundation Journal.”
These materials not only inform patients about the types of skin cancers and how to protect themselves from the sun but also offer comprehensive and practical advice on performing self-exams. Additionally, the Foundation’s commitment to diversity is reflected in resources targeting specific groups, such as the Hispanic community, men, and people of color. These resources can be purchased from the Skin Cancer Foundation's online store.