
Paul Wynn


Extra ... Extra ...

New York - Two years ago Neil Sadick, M.D., started a newsletter to inform his patients about new procedures and research studies at his practice in New York City. One issue included stories about laser liposuction, the new botulinum toxin B molecule called Myobloc, and IPL photorejuvenation.

Fred Wilson


Laser removes AKs for a year

La Jolla, Calif. - A single treatment with d-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) for one hour followed by intense pulsed light (IPL) exposure achieves photorejuvention and removes superficial actinic keratoses (AKs) without recurrence for at least one year.

Terry Troy


Review of D.C. Details

When Parisian-born architect Pierre-Charles L'Enfant first viewed the land along the banks of the Potomac River in 1791, he must have been a little disappointed.



Fighting the Flakes

San Francisco - Although dandruff and anti-dandruff shampoos have been around for years, there is new information to share with patients that will help them fight the flakes. Roberta Boyd, associate director of scalp care and anti-dandruff technology at Procter and Gamble, and associates outlined the latest developments in anti-dandruff shampoos and hair health in a poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Andrew Bowser


Smartphone photos aid pediatric diagnosis

Photos taken by parents and submitted by smartphone are usually of sufficient quality to allow accurate diagnosis of some common pediatric skin conditions, results of a recent study in JAMA Dermatology suggests.

Wayne Kuznar


Make it an Annual Event

San Francisco - A baseline examination followed by yearly screening for retinopathy is probably adequate for patients taking chronic antimalarial therapy, Stephen E. Wolverton, M.D., said.

Michelle Stephenson


Consider skin of color when using pigment lasers

Portland, Ore. - Skin color can determine the best type of pigment laser to use, according to Ken Lee, M.D., a dermatologic surgeon at Oregon Health and Science University.

Paula Moyer


Estrogen replacement therapy benefits variety of skin concerns

Eight years after the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) linked estrogen supplementation to breast cancer and heart disease, the impact of estrogen withdrawal is obvious in a less-than-obvious location; hormone-deficient vulvar disease is becoming more common, according to F. William Danby, M.D.

Martin Kohl


High Tech = High Cost

Increased paperwork is at least partly to blame for many of the management difficulties faced by dermatologists, according to Thomas G. Olsen M.D.

Thomas P. Skernivitz


Accutane Illicitly Sold, Congress, FDA Warn

Washington - Tighter restrictions on Accutane could have a reverse effect - increased black market activity - the FDA told a congressional investigative subcommittee on Dec. 11.

Inga Ellzey


Highlighting the ins and outs of effective destruction billing

Billing CPT codes that start with "17" - the destruction codes - remain a source of confusion for both billers and providers. Destruction means that you are destroying lesions using one of several methods. The most common methods in dermatology include liquid nitrogen, electrodessication and curettage, laser and the use of chemicals. Below is a snapshot summary of the destruction codes.

Beth Kapes


Emitting softening without heat

Washington, D.C. - A unique, new technology in the form of laser-mediated photodynamic therapy offers advantages for skin rejuvenation not seen from other non-ablative or ablative technologies, according to Roy G. Geronemus, M.D., director of the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York.

Nancy Groves


Mind over matter

Washington, D.C. - Despite the growing popularity of new modalities, the CO2 laser remains the gold standard for tissue tightening and contraction of the skin, said Sue Ellen Cox, M.D. However, the choice of therapy largely depends on the age and mindset of the patient, she added.

Coriene E. Hannapel


Facelift Alternative

New Orleans -- The Facial Lipo-Lift, a new technique combining modifications of facial and neck tumescent liposculpture with a short scar facelift, provides a safe, effective, minimally invasive alternative to a traditional facelift, said Greg S. Morganroth, M.D.

Jennifer Clark


Electronic charting

San Diego - Electronic medical records are more efficient than paper charts, but dermatology practices have been slow to catch on because of its costs, said Lawrence Martinelli, M.D. He said EMRs can actually save time and money for physicians who learn to adapt their office systems and buy only what they need. He spoke at the 41st Infectious Disease Society of America annual meeting here.

Andrew Bowser


Dermatologists fail to screen patients for depression

Dermatologists should take ownership of screening patients for mental health concerns associated with their skin condition.

Mark Blanchard


12 Steps to a Better Practice

Little Rock, Ark. - Forget David Letterman's top 10 list. Dr. Scott Dinehart's top 12 ideas for improving practice efficiency is far more inspiring to dermatologists.

Rochelle Nataloni


Injectable complications: Biofilm phenomenon is among major safety concerns

As the popularity and options for injectable fillers increase, so does the need for awareness and prevention of complications.

Suzette Hill


Turn Back the Clock

Philadelphia - Of all the cosmetic procedures that make hands appear younger, sclerotherapy delivers the most dramatic, long-lasting results, according to Lee Schulman, M.D., a phlebologist at Schulman Vein and Laser Center in New York City.

Laird Harrison


Infections are getting more serious

San Diego - The incidence of community-acquired methicillin-resistant staphyloccocus aureus (CA-MRSA) infections rapidly increased in 2003, and the infections appear to be getting more serious, according to Dennis L. Stevens, M.D., Ph.D.

Alison Palkhivala


Basic research plays vital role in treating KS

Montreal - Physicians must use information obtained about Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus learned through basic research to help prevent and treat KS in the clinical setting, a virology expert said.

Mark E. Battersby


Real , personal property taxes are biggest burdens

Tax planning long has been an extremely effective tool used by many dermatologists to keep their tax bills to a minimum. Often overlooked in this ongoing battle for legitimately lower tax bills, however, is the biggest tax bill faced by many dermatologists and their practices: property taxes. Even those who rent property for their practices are impacted by property taxes.

Joel Blau


Consider your options carefully with life insurance

Q How much life insurance coverage is recommended for a physician who has a family?

Belinda Rowland


Targeting Melanoma

With close to 60,000 new cases predicted for 2003, in terms of incidence melanoma is probably the fastest rising cancer in the United States. But even as the incidence of melanoma rises annually, the mortality rate has remained fairly stable.

Caroline Helwick


Novel melanoma treatment: Preliminary study shows high response rates, regression of metastatic lesions

High response rates and regression of metastatic lesions were observed in preliminary study results.

Jane Schwanke


Clinicians examine mind-body connection of urticaria, stress

Although the expression "I was so stressed I broke out in hives" is quite common, it can be a challenge for dermatologists to identify the psychosocial precipitants of chronic urticaria, according to Josie Howard, M.D., a psychiatrist in private practice, and clinical instructor departments of psychiatry and dermatology, University of California, San Francisco. But that is beginning to change, she says.

Rebecca Bryant


Paradigm shift: Link discovered between HPV, skin cancer

Developments that link HPV to skin cancer could change the frontiers of medicine.

Bob Gatty


Skin cancer diagnosis spurs congressman to advocate for more research, funding

Dermatology has a committed ambassador in Capitol Hill, but it's tragic as to why. Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-Calif.) and his youngest daughter, Briana, both have been diagnosed with skin cancer and are speaking out about it to encourage others to prevent and detect skin cancer early. The congressman has co-sponsored the Melanoma Research Act of 2012, which would provide funding for skin cancer research.

Karen Nash


Dermatologists weigh in on the Affordable Care Act

After the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States upheld the constitutionality of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), including the individual mandate requiring all Americans to purchase health insurance, a number of professional medical organizations reiterated concern about potential effects of the law.

Timothy N. Troy


Limited TIMs?

London -- A report published by Britain's National Prescribing Center saying that Fujisawa's Protopic (tacrolimus) and Novartis' Elidel (pimecrolimus) have only a limited role in the treatment of eczema was intended for general practitioners rather than dermatologists and refers mostly to mild cases treated in primary care settings.

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