Norman Levine, M.D., is a private practitioner in Tucson, Ariz. He also is a member of the Dermatology Times Editorial Advisory board and a co-medical editor.
CMS proposes new reimbursement guidelines: Are they kidding?
September 7th 2018A new Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services plan for payment for evaluation and management services (E/M) has been proposed and CMS is currently accepting comments through 5 p.m., Sept. 10. The new rules would apply to all E/M services delivered after Jan. 1, 2019.
Seeing is believing, but real benefits arise when the physician is the patient
September 1st 2012For the first time in my life, I had the experience of being on the other side of the doctor-patient relationship. I would not recommend it to anyone, but I learned a lot of valuable lessons about medical care, some of which have direct relevance to the way we all should be practicing medicine.
Editorial: Is defensive medicine a good practice?
January 1st 2010Recently, a 27-year-old woman consulted me about hair loss of several years' duration. She was in otherwise good health, and she proved this by showing me an impressive list of perfectly normal laboratory results indicating, among other things, that she did not have anemia or thyroid disease.
Going generic: Formularies limit brand-name choices
September 1st 2009A patient with a complicated chronic skin disease consulted me some time ago. He had been under the care of another practitioner and was very satisfied with the quality of the care he had been receiving, but he could no longer afford the treatments being prescribed.
Cosmeceutical hype does not benefit our patients
January 1st 2008A recent headline in Dermatology Times read, "Niacin boosts IPL outcome." In small print, the sub-headline read, "Small study sees non-statistical improvement in skin texture." The summary of the article, called "Quick Read," had the following statement: "A niacin-based skincare cosmeceutical regimen combined with intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments offers better skin rejuvenation outcomes than IPL alone, a new study suggests."