Despite its black box warning, isotretinoin does not appear to increase the risk of suicide in acne patients, a finding investigators say is reassuring in their latest research.
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A new investigation has shown no evidence of an increased relative risk of suicide or psychiatric conditions among isotretinoin users, adding to a growing body of evidence that the drug does not cause depression or suicidal thoughts among its users.1-3
Additionally, the investigators found that isotretinoin users were less likely than nonusers to attempt suicide at 2 to 4 years following treatment.
The report, a meta-analysis of 25 studies involving a total of 1,625,891 patients, appeared in the journal JAMA Dermatology on February 29.
The potential link between isotretinoin and psychiatric disorders has been the subject of considerable debate and conflicting findings in the literature, the investigators noted, and in 2005 the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required isotretinoin to carry a black box warning for suicide, depression, aggression, and psychosis.
To clarify the absolute and relative risk and risk factors associated with suicide and psychiatric disorders among isotretinoin users, investigators Nicole Kye Wen Tan et al, of the National University of Singapore, searched studies in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus from inception until January 24, 2023.
They found:
“While these findings are reassuring, clinicians should continue to practice holistic psychodermatologic care and monitor patients for signs of mental distress during isotretinoin treatment,” Tan et al concluded.
They noted a weakness of the study design: due to the controversy surrounding isotretinoin and mental health, “it is plausible that patients deemed to be at higher risk of psychiatric illness were less likely to receive isotretinoin, which may have resulted in an underestimation of the psychiatric risks of isotretinoin in these observational studies.”
Also, "patients taking isotretinoin may be more closely monitored for mood changes, which could result in increased detection of psychiatric outcomes; however, our meta-analysis did not detect any increased risk of psychiatric disorders among isotretinoin users. Detection bias may also act in the opposite direction, as early detection of psychiatric disorders allows for timely treatment, which in turn may lower the risk of suicide.”