Opening the symposium in a circle of sparks and salsa dancing, Shino Bay Aguilera, DO, talks the importance of diversity and wellness in aesthetics.
Shino Bay Aguilera, DO, board certified dermatologist, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, knows how to start a symposium in style. Opening Aesthetics Biomedical’s Perspectives: The Evolution of Aesthetics symposium as the keynote speaker, the physician created a spectacle appearing in a circle of sparks, spiritedly salsa dancing for a cheering audience. As he made his way to the stage, Aguilera danced through the crowd, scooping up Vivian Bucay, MD, FAAD, dermatologist, San Antonio, Texas, and spinning her in circles.
The excitement didn’t stop at the stage, as he led a progression of diverse models in front of a large video screen, perfectly setting up the tone of his presentation.
His keynote address, “Diversity in Aesthetics & Mindfulness” reflected his sprightful opening as he discussed his background growing up in Panama and multi-raced identity, all while in a cloud of fog and strobe lights.
His focus on equality and equity centered on his explanation of the primitive brain and limbic system; explaining that these systems result in the need for acceptance and acknowledgement.
As patients age, these needs create a market for the physical and emotional beauty industry. However, Aguilera noted, physicians must be aware of, and move away from, euro-centric aesthetics and ideals of beauty. He highlighted how different races of people age and how euro-centric aesthetic treatments can disrupt this process negatively. This is an important acknowledgement as he explained the rising people of color (POC) patient population since 2000.
Staying cognizant of how POC and cultural features integrate into aesthetics, beauty trends also become a note of contention, he said. When posting and contributing to these trends, he said, it’s important to understand any racial or prejudicial links. He used examples of the fox eye, and Russian lips trends to show this link.
Elaborating on the role of social media in aesthetics, Aguilera made note of its negative effects on self-esteem and the increasing rate of dysmorphia. From Zoom and Snapchat dysmorphias to the use of heavy filters in photographs, he said, the rates of suicide in these vulnerable populations are high.
Switching gears to wellness, the physician talked about wellness in aesthetics and how stress effects not only aging of the skin, but also hair graying as well. Cortisol being the main cause of this, he notes, the hormone can be healthy, however, “too much of a good thing is detrimental,” he said.
In the presentation, Aguilera showed images of 2 people, 1 that looked heavily aged, and 1 that looked more ageless, highlighting that “aging gracefully is 20% nature and 80% nurture.”
Wrapping up his keynote address, he left the audience with ways to help stress and create more wellness in day-to-day life.