Synthetic polymer found effective in treating 'facial wasting' in some HIV sufferers
April 6th 2006Padua , Italy -- Researchers at the University of Padua report that injections of a synthetic polymer may be helpful in treating some HIV patients' facial wasting associated with combination antiretroviral therapy.
RA sufferers have high risk of developing non-melanoma skin CA
April 6th 2006Stanford, Calif. -- A Stanford University School of Medicine study has found that rheumatoid arthritis sufferers have a high risk of developing non-melanoma skin cancers, and that those being treated with TNF inhibitors together with methotrexate or prednisone are even more likely to develop skin cancer compared with osteoarthritis suffers.
Progress continues in treating pediatric skin ailments
April 1st 2006National report ? While topical calcineurin inhibitors for treating atopic dermatitis (AD) continue to grab headlines, sources tell Dermatology Times that research into additional treatments for pediatric skin problems is progressing.
Treating facial veins with Nd: YAG laser
April 1st 2006National report ? Facelifts may give a person a renewed youthful appearance, but they can also have an unpleasant side effect ? the development of noticeable, large, blue veins. Temple veins, especially, tend to become more prominent after facelift procedures.
Fillers, botulinum toxin for the Mohs surgeon
April 1st 2006Scotts dale, Ariz. ? Fillers and botulinum toxin have become mainstays in cosmetic treatments in any state-of-the-art practice worldwide. Just how and when to employ these seemingly simple yet sometimes tricky-to-administer corrective injections can more often than not prove to be a challenging task for the inexperienced physician.
Retired derm researcher savors sweet wine of life
April 1st 2006Retired dermatologist and researcher Henry Earl Jones, M.D., has aninquisitive nature that led to a better understanding of theimmunology of fungal infection and an arsenal of badly needed drugsfor difficult-to-treat patients. His curiosity expands beyond themedical, however, and his questioning about why Californians werenot able to successfully grow Spanish grapes for wine led to hissecond career (after 35 years as a dermatologist), as owner of athriving U.S. winery.
Combination approach effective for wart therapy
April 1st 2006National report ? Modern goals for wart therapy are based on both lesion clearance and recurrence prevention, and achieving those objectives, especially in tough cases, usually requires a combination approach incorporating an agent that will provide antiviral and immunomodulatory activity, says Stephen K. Tyring, M.D., Ph.D.
Rapid diagnostics speed identification of MRSA
April 1st 2006Geneva ? Interest in rapid diagnostics for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is driven by the troubling increase in incidence and a growing understanding that hospital-acquired and community-acquired strains can have different patterns of resistance and susceptibility to drugs.
Katrina's aftermath: One doctor's despair
April 1st 2006New Orleans ? When Hurricane Katrina ravaged the city on Aug. 29, the category four storm devastated many local dermatologists' practices, perhaps none more so than that of Lisa Osberg-Wilson, M.D. Wracked by financial uncertainty in the storm's wake, the 45-year-old mother of three took her life on Friday, Nov. 4, according to the Times-Picayune.
Progress continues in treating pediatric skin ailments
April 1st 2006National report ? While topical calcineurin inhibitors for treating atopic dermatitis (AD) continue to grab headlines, sources tell Dermatology Times that research into additional treatments for pediatric skin problems is progressing.
Dermisonics ready to roll out antiseptic delivery device for use in military
March 7th 2006West Conshohocken, Pa. -- Dermisonics Inc., a developer of ultrasonic transdermal drug delivery technologies, announced that it has completed the first working model of its A-Wand antiseptic delivery system and is in talks with the Army Institute of Surgical Research under the Combat Casualty Care Research Program to develop a battlefield version.